I've been thinking of how to best describe night sailing with high winds and seas, and no moonlight. Maybe it's like driving on a mountain road at night with sunglasses and no headlights. But sailing at night seems to sharpen my senses and enhances the experience of being on the sea.
I found a video that might help others get the feeling. The poor video quality actually lends to the impact. Enjoy your night sail.
Wow, imagine how it was in the old days before all the electronic gadgets they have today!
Kind of eerie. I bet on a clear moonless night the sky is beautiful.
Wow eerie and exhilarating at same time! Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing!! Love night sailing. Always practice sailing by instruments only on daytime passages. I wear a blind. Much like IFR flight training. It’s not perfect but it teaches us to depend on our instruments and learn to trust them. Heavy fog (zero vis) or night (a little more eerie). It’s enlightening and I find it calming.