Today is my last day of this journey. Racine, Wisconsin to Fairhaven, Massachusetts and many wonderful places in between. Most memorable are the people I have met both on and off the boat. Nathan, Tim, Paul, Tom, Debbie, Ivan, and Kathy I will treasure getting to know you and the time we spent together. To all of you wonderful Canadians, you entered my life by chance and you won my heart. I shall see you again.

My plans were to get married in Mexico during this break in action and continue this adventure, but those plans have changed. I am leaving for Thailand on Friday where I will get married and reside for the next 3-9 months, dependent upon the number of visa extensions I am granted.
"All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go." ~ John Denver
Thanks Doug. Fair winds.
Congrats, Mark! I’m sad I’ll miss the opportunity to sail with you next Spring! Thanks for all your efforts on this blog!
Congratulations. Amazing how plans can change.
Will truly miss your updates. Safe travels.
It has been great to get to know you from your posts. Good luck and safe travels.
Congrats Mark !